Good research leads to action.
At the Research Kickoff, Issue Committees are charged to understand the problem, go learn from experts, and find proven solutions.
After the particular issue is selected, members of MORE Justice form a committee made up representatives from each congregation. The committees begin to research the selected problem area by meeting with experts in the field. Over the next few months the committee works to identify a winnable solution that would bring about meaningful changes to those experiencing the injustice. The committee must also determine a person or persons in power possess the authority to correct the injustice (i.e. Mayor, County Council, CEO, School Board, etc.) The conclusions of the research are presented to the congregations at our annual Rally.
This research leads to action. Committee members meet with those individuals in power the group has identified, brief them on the research and an identified evidence-based solution to address a particular community problem. The group then invites public/elected officials to the annual Nehemiah Action Assembly.